Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 43 – Sparks, NV

Rain sure puts a damper on our activities; our walks are delayed, frequently shortened, we don’t do any touring.  That’s the way it was this morning; Don had to take me over to the dog walk area so that I could relieve myself before I could even retrieve the phony paper, and we had to do it fast ‘cause of the rain.  Unfortunately, there was a couple with two Westies in the walk already, and the two little dogs made it very plain that they wanted me dead.  You know, I’m really used to that sort of thing, it happens so frequently.  I think it’s called Small Dog Complex; many small dogs would like to be real dogs, like me, and it drives them crazy when they see a big handsome dog.  Anyway, the couple apologized for their behavior, and said they would leave so we could have some peace and quiet while I finished my business.  Don told them that we wouldn’t be long, and that they didn’t have to leave.  I did what I had to do, and we left the area with the Terriers still hurling imprecations at me. 

When the rain let up a bit, Geri and Don drove me over to the lake, where there is a grassy area and walkway along the water.  I got to do a little running and rolling, but it started to come down again more heavily, and we had to get back in the truck and head for home.  We had lunch, they read the Sunday paper, and I napped.  After a few hours, they got restless, got in the truck, and departed for who knows where.  They were back in a couple of hours, and they told me about the store they went to, called Scheel’s.  They said it was the biggest sporting goods store they had ever seen.  It was so big, it even had a Ferris Wheel inside it!  They spent a couple of hours wandering around in it, but didn’t buy anything.  Geri took me for a really good walk down to the lake and part way around it.  I got to chase some birds and do some rolling, and I felt really good.  I had dinner when we got home, and laid down to watch some TV.  They decided to go out to dinner, which was OK with me. 

They didn’t get back until almost nine, and I was getting a little worried about them.  Turns out, they had found a really good Chinese restaurant and had indulged themselves in a luxuriant feast.  They had a big bag of leftovers with them, but they didn’t offer me any.  They had also gone back to the same money machines they had gone to last night, and were apparently satisfied with the results. 

So, I got some treats, we watched one of Geri’s shows, I think it’s called Disgusting Housewives, worked on the blog, and fell into bed.  Hope the weather’s better tomorrow!

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