Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 6 – Canyonville, OR

It always seems to me that on days when we don’t have to get the rig ready to go and hit the road by checkout time, that things move a lot more slowly in this household. Don gets up later, I get my breakfast later, we go on our morning walk later, and so on. I know that I shouldn’t let it bother me, but I was Marine trained, and brought up to believe that the Squad does things when they’re supposed to do them. I thought that Don was Navy trained in the same manner, but I guess that’s worn off a little. I don’t think Geri was trained at all.

So, we got off to a slow start this morning, but our walk turned out OK. We met a very nice couple from Monterey who had lived with Goldies in the past, but had none now. I think they wanted to take me with them. They were very appreciative of my physique and my fine manners, and I got a lot of adulation from them. Nice way to start the day.

Then Don had telephone calls to make, including one to his friend in Alabama, Buddy, who has just purchased a very fine motorhome and was on his way to Atlanta to pick it up. I think Buddy has seen how much fun we have in ours, and wants to get in on the good times. We had our lunch, Geri took a nap, and Don and I went out to do some cleaning on the coach.

We had to do some shopping for stuff for the reunion tomorrow, but then we were able to take off for a little drive up into the hills to the east of town, heading over toward Crater Lake. This really is beautiful country, wooded hills, valleys full of ranches and farms, and a beautiful river (the Umpqua) running through it. I think Don was scouting the road as a possible route for the coach, but I wouldn’t swear to it. We stopped at a parking area next to the river, and Don got the camera out to take some pictures, finally. He was perturbed to find that the batteries were dead. No pics today. We joined a young couple who were picking wild blackberries, and counseled them on avoiding the smaller berries, who didn’t have the necessary sweetness needed for blackberry cobbler, which they were still regretting not getting last night.

When we got back to the coach, I got to meet Hank, the yellow Lab next door, who is four years younger and forty times more playful than I am. He’s about my size, and I have to admit I was a little intimidated, though I did my best not to show it. As a mark of my lack of fear, I peed on his lawn while giving him a big smile. He immediately sniffed out my irrigated spot, and covered it with his own deposit. He triumphantly sauntered off; I nonchalantly mozied over to the spot and rechristened it. He looked a little pouty, and I think he was out of ammunition. He seems to be a nice guy, but somebody has to show who’s Senior Dog Present.

After I got my dinner, they took off for the Casino for food and frolicking. I got a much needed nap, and they returned before too long. Both were in a good mood, having dined well and pried some winnings out of the Casino. Don and I worked on the blog, and we all went to bed fairly early. Tomorrow’s the big day, and I think we’ll be seeing some better morning action out of this Squad. I’m really looking forward to it, ‘cause I remember how much fun I had at the Reunion last year. It was a big day for me and, I think, everyone else who attended. Don promises to take lots of pics. We’ll have a full report for you tomorrow night!

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